Celebrating 1 Year in Hong Kong!

Yesterday marked another anniversary for us...1 year in Hong Kong! In fact, it's gone by so quickly that when I asked Jason what marked today (February 15th) he had no clue. Then when I told him he said it couldn't possibly be because it's gone by so quickly. And it has. It's amazing how quickly a year can go by when you have multiple visitors, you take a trip to Thailand, you get boys started in school, go home for Christmas and then wind back up at a year.

We've celebrated Jason and I's 7th year anniversary, my 31st Birthday, Jason's 32nd Birthday, gotten a new dog, celebrated Jack's 7th Birthday and also marked our 5 years of being abroad. ALOT has happened this year!

This time last year we were spending Valentine's day night with some of our good friends- then the next morning we took our trip. Our new move- once again to a country and city that I had never been to. Sight unseen is what Jason likes to say (and by the way this is the 3rd country now that I've moved to "sight unseen").

Even though we're still getting adjusted to life here, making friends and getting the boys situated, we love it! We're quite settled in our life here and as now, we couldn't imagine being anywhere else. :)

Here are a few pictures to wrap up our year...

Now we have another year to begin- starting with Henry's 4th Birthday and a new arrival in a few months of baby brother. It will be another quick year as well, but we are so very blessed and fortunate to have this adventure and live this life. 


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