Booked...One way To Tulsa!

Yep...that's right! We're booked on our way to Tulsa..which means...

After 6 1/2 years abroad we are heading home to the good ole' USofA! It's all happened quite quickly but I think we are ready. It's hard really because I have so many mixed emotions. Part of me is ready (trust me you've read my posts and know how difficult it can be with a baby over here in HK) and we have missed our friends and family, but we have so loved our adventures and all the fantastic people we have met along the way. 

So to sum it up, Jason and I did start talking about this a few months ago. We had started talking about how we wanted to make a change within the next 6 months. I think part of it was because of the boys. We want them to be able to enjoy their grandparents and the experience of living in America. And honestly it was my 2nd baby to have overseas and that's hard being away from family during those fun and memorable times. Then, Jason's work commute was putting a strain on us. I mean- one hour commute in the morning and another at night. He didn't make it in most nights til the boys were in bed. These are critical years with boys right? And Jason was missing out. We were so used to the laid back Aussie lifestyle- he was home every night by 5:30/6. As much as we love Hong Kong, I think it was just a bit of a strain on us at this point in our life. 

The way life has worked for us seems to be quick and timely (always God's funny sense of humor) in the changes and opportunities that are thrown are way. I know that God has everything planned but it seems to be that once we start feeling a bit settled, we are thrown a loop. So then about a month before Phillip was born, Jason starts telling me of major changes that his company is trying to make and we both decided we didn't want to be a part of it. So what to do? That's when opportunities started making their way towards us. BUT do you think I wanted to talk about it? NOPE! I had one thing on my brain- getting that lil' boy out! So I told Jason I wasn't prepared to talk about it (that would stress a person out right? Thinking about having a baby and then moving? Seriously?) and we could talk AFTER I gave birth. 

So that's pretty much what happened. About a week after Phillip was born all the changes we needed to decide on, figure out, were sorted...somewhat! Then we just confirmed about 2 weeks ago that this was our plan- moving back to Tulsa! But the tricky thing is- getting it done quickly because we have to get the boys sorted for school back home (not worth staying over here a few more months and pulling them out midyear).And there was no sense in us going home for summer and then coming back and moving home. So, that's why when we head home on the 8th we will be moving home. All of our items will be packed up, Bosco will be on his way home and we will say goodbye to Hong Kong! (Jason will be back shortly to finish out his job here and close out everything else). 

LOTS to do for this Mama! Everyone over here that knows keeps telling me how calm I am...well...that may not always be so. I still have a newborn and boys that just got out of school! WE have a million things to sell (including car and odds and ends), contracts to cancel, movers to sort, Bosco to get shipped out, flights still to sort (don't get me started on American Airlines!!!), friends to say goodbye to, kids to sort for summer activities in Tulsa, new school, new home, new this and new that. Ek! I'm just trying to breathe and take it one step at a time. 

BUT...we are moving home...and that's exciting! Although it does make me nervous and I know for some this is not relatable, but I've heard repatriating home can be the most difficult. Honestly I can see it- I think I'm more anxious than I was when we first moved to Shanghai. We've been gone a long time and we are a totally different family than what we were when we left. Not to mention different people. It will definitely be interesting to see how we all fit in to Tulsa again. :) But so very grateful for our fantastic friends and family that have already offered so much support. 

See you soon Tulsa! The boys are ready for football games (American football! had to clarify!) and snow cones (that's what Jack said!). I'm ready for Oklahoma in the fall and being with family on the holidays (other than just Christmas). The list goes on and on for what we are excited for....then I also think of all the things I will miss here (and then the tears come streaming!)...I'll have to write another blog on that later...

And here are a few pictures that represent our first and last for each time spent in each country...Shanghai to Sydney to Hong Kong...and now to home. Do you know the tears I've cried over how our life has changed and all the happy memories over these last 7 years!?!?! But I know our journey is not over...this is just another stage in life..and another adventure for the Wiltshire's! 

Our first few months in Shanghai! Jack was only a year and a half! We arrived with one son...
...and left with one more. Jack was 5, Henry was just 1 when we left Shanghai!

Then on to glorious Sydney..

...a short year and a half...but full of fantastic memories! 

And our last stop...Hong Kong! Jack was 6 and Henry just turned 3! 

And now we are leaving with Jack being 8, Henry is 4 and we have a new son to add to our clan! Who knows what will happen after Tulsa...I never thought I would ever even live outside of the US...


  1. Prayers for you dear ones in this amazing new path in your journey called Life!

  2. Such exciting news! I bet you all are so nervous and so excited at the same time! Always a new adventure!


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