So Nana arrived on Saturday and her birthday was on Monday! the 8th of October. It was actually Jack's first day back to school from his nice little break. Henry was off at school for the day too so Jan and I had the day to ourselves.
We had to go to the bank first and get her $$$ exchanged- always a process- I don't care what country you're in, but when you need cash you need cash. I wanted to take Jan somewhere she hadn't been before and I had read/heard that the Rose Bay area was nice. It's right near Vaucluse (where we had taken the bushwalk) and supposedly where Russell Crowe has a house. Very swanky- I was thinking like the "Utica Square" of Tulsa.
Well, it was nice and there were definitely alot of nice houses, but it wasn't that amazing. Definitely not impressed and wouldn't waste my time. We walked around shopping for a bit- one kids boutique had a book that was selling for almost $100 ( first off, it was a small book and I found this later in the States and it sold for $15). Ridiculous. Anyway we browsed for awhile then starting looking for lunch spots. Really there was not even that great of a selection- very limited menus and absurdly expensive. And this is sad that I am saying this, because Sydney is quite expensive (especially compared to the US).
We did find a little quaint deli that wasn't too bad (not the best atmosphere) but it was actually pretty good. Pricey but good. Ah well- we had our wine, that's all that matters!
But as you know- days pass quickly when you have to pick up boys at 3 p.m. (and make sure you get there early enough for parking) so off we went to get the boys. We stopped at the grocery store and picked up a few pieces of cake to celebrate after dinner.
Of course- as you know- weather cannot be controlled. We had wanted to take Jan to Ripples (under the bridge) in Milson's Point, but it was raining. (It's got an amazing view of the Harbour bridge and it right on the water so we wanted a pretty day). If you have a chance- GO- it's got great food and a great view. BUT- book early because they are always booked- even weeks in advance during the summer months. Here's their website:
So we ordered in pizza and opted for another night out!
Singing Happy Birthday to Nana! Notice all the Halloween decorations- Jan brought most of them! |
So two nights later (the weather was not really cooperating) we went picked up Jason and went to Manly Beach (again as per note above, I tried to make reservations at Ripples and they could only fit in a table of 2 for 8:30! :( ). Manly is one of our favorite go to spots though- we always go have drinks at Murray's Brewing Company (some of the best beer!- and then have dinner at the Manly Grill ( )- another great restaurant. Both are right on the water, have great service and great menus as well. A walk on the beach in between dinner or after is always required- and ice cream from Ben and Jerry's to top off the evening!
Seriously- see Henry trying to copy Jack! ha ha! |
Drinks @ Murray's! |
Best shot! Picture saying "Happy Birthday Nana!" |
And with her big boy! |
Our attempt at a family shot- typical! |
WE had a great time celebrating Jan's birthday- and I'm sure she did as well. :) It's always nice to have family in town celebrating their Birthday- since we miss them all while we're gone!
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