Jack's 10th Birthday!

I'm so off on this one...I mean 6 months off actually! But I love doing these posts for their yearly markers. And I do have a good excuse- Miss Stella was born just 9 days before Jack's birthday so you know...I've been a bit busy.

Okay, so how in the world do we have a 10 year old? I mean it doesn't seem possible. It just feels like he was born a few days ago- he's my first born and I have so many memories of just him and I together. Actually he was my little buddy for so long in Shanghai when it was just the two of us- making new friends and exploring the new city. We did everything together. I love it- we'll always have that special bond. 

So BIG Boy (and when I say big I mean big...were rolling in at 115 lbs and size 9 MENS) that's what I mean. He's going to be bigger than me before I know it...and bigger than his Daddy (and I think that scares Jason a wee bit). 

He's still the same sweet boy we know and love. Biggest heart and if I tell him he's disappointed me and he sees my pain he's broken. He's always been that way. He's a protector of his Mommy and bestie to his brothers. Though were still working on NOT aggravating. For some reason, no matter how sweet he is, he still loves to annoy his brothers. He calls Phil "chunky" and still has to touch Henry all the time (which kills Henry). 

Last year at Jenks Southeast and I'm not quite sure this Mama will be able to handle it. Going to the 5th/6th grade center next year- merged with new kids, lockers and out of our little bubble here. I know he will do fine- he makes friends easily and is a great leader. Of course, like any parent, I just worry here and there about him being able to say "no" and stand up when things aren't right. They are definitely getting to an age now where they can get into trouble and come across other kids that say or do inappropriate things. I pray he has the strength and passion to stay on the right path. All I can do! 

This has been a big year with Football Cards! Good gosh! Cannot even tell you how many we have. And I always ALWAYS call them baseball cards. I'm sorry, my brothers grew up with baseball cards! "Come on Mom, they're FOOTBALL cards"! So they collect them at school and then he comes home and organizes them. I mean HOURS spent doing this. And the kids knows ALL The facts about the players. If only he could commit these memory skills to his homework! 

And, of course, still loving Football. Everything in football really. They started practice again in August and Jack cannot wait til the season starts. It's a love. Passion. Commitment. I love that he loves it so much and that him and Jason share this bond together...and LOTS of time as Jason is one of the coaches too! 

Big boy Jack is also wanting to sleep in later...and go to bed later. He says he's older and needs to stay up later than the younger two. The sleeping in later is something I thought would never happen...he's always been my early riser! 

Is a family boy at heart. That was always one of the toughest parts about being away. Jack loved it and thrived because he can have fun with anyone but he so loves his family. He's a DOG...like his Mommy...loyal and true. We've gotten to be around my cousins the last few years too and it just means the world to him! 

We had a birthday dinner for Jack and I was saying our prayer for dinner and blessing Jack and started crying- something I NEVER do. I just got so wrapped up in my emotions (okay and I had just had Stella) but I just love this boy and who he is. I'm sad in some ways that he's growing up (I mean we have had some temper tantrums and he once told me he didn't love me because of something I told him he couldn't do) but I'm also excited. We share some really deep and meaningful conversations sometimes and I'm super proud of the young man I know he's becoming! 

Always a special place in my heart for this boy! 
Lunch at Wild Fork- one of our favorite places! 

He has many talents- musical this summer and he was Shrek! He was so adorable and funny! 

Right before he became a big brother for the 3rd time! 

Now he's the oldest of 4! 

How is he 10 already! 

Gosh I love this boy and all that he is! 

And he's been blessed with the best grandparents! 

Times two! :) 

His darling 2nd cousin- only 6 months apart!...little bit in height though! 


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